Friday, November 30, 2012

The Klonopin Chronicles: Today's Musing: Love, Anger and Indifference

I have to wonder if I wrote this in my sleep, whilst walking around in a klonopin daze.  I have to wonder.  Go read her.  Awesome.  She gets the emotion of how I feel, how about you?

The Klonopin Chronicles: Today's Musing: Love, Anger and Indifference: Anger, unexpressed, turns inward but leaves a mark.  I pound my fists against my own chest in frustration and self-disgust.  Very efficien...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Any New Stuff

Does anyone out there have any new information about legislation that may be on the horizon to help us have more control over what we can have removed from the internet about our personal selves?  Any possible change to the CDA laws?  I have not followed this due to severe illness for some time but would love to hear from folks who may be involved with this still.